I mere end 35 år, har IGE+XAO Gruppen været softwareudgiver, -designer og -producent, der sælger og vedligeholder en række software til Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Disse softwarepakker er designet til at hjælpe producenter med design og vedligehold af de el-tekniske dele af hvilken som helst installation. Med overtagelsen af Prosyst, i midten af 2014, har IGE+XAO også kunne tilbyde en komplet softwarepakke til funktionel simulation af elektriske installationer. Softwarepakkerne er: - "SEE Electrical" : for små og mellemstore industrielle installationer. - "SEE Electrical Expert" : for meget store industrielle installationer og indlejrede processer for transportmidler såsom fly, skibe, biler, kampvogne, toge, raketter;
Download the corporate brochure♦ Et vigtigt softwaredesign, udvikling og industrialiseringsteam.
♦ Et udvalg af softwarepakker der dækker hele det el-elektriske CAD marked.
♦ En stærke international tilstedeværelse.
IGE+XAO’s kunder er til stede i alle industrier.
IGE+XAO’s klienter er etableret øverst i alle industrisektorer.
Omsætning: 36,3M€ Nettoresultat: 8 M€ Finansielle tilgængelighed: > 27 M€ Finansielle gæld: < 0,15 M€
R&D: 8 M€ eller 25% af omsætning.
Har leveret over 98 650 licenser og servicerer over 46 200 brugere i hele verden.
30 IGE+XAO kontorer i 22 lande. 37 forretningspartner i 30 lande.
Oprettelsen af IGE + XAO Gruppen er resultatet bevidst fokuseret på vækstpolitikken. Dette førte til regelmæssige erhvervelser og dannelsen af et komplet udvalg af elektrisk CAD software.
IGE+XAO joins the Schneider Electric Group.
Creation of a subsidiary in India
Creation of a subsidiary in Belgium Creation of a sales office in Moscow, Russia
Creation of a subsidiary in Greece Creation of a subsidiary in Brazil
Acquisition of the remaining 51% of IGE+XAO Danmark A/S Acquisition of 80% of Prosyst SAS Headquarters moving-out to ZAC Ramassiers - Colomiers
Creation of a new office in Tarnow, Poland
Creation of a subsidiary in Turkey
Launching of a wide Chinese sales network based on 3 IGE+XAO commercial agencies and 14 business partners Creation of a new office in Wadowice, Poland
Creation of a subsidiary in Madagascar
Creation of a subsidiary in Morocco
Creation of a subsidiary in China Creation of a development subsidiary in Tunisia
Creation of S2E CONSULTING with the Sogeclair Group Creation of EHMS with Labinal Acquisition of Compodata
Creation of a subsidiary in the USA Creation of a sales office in Nanjing, China Purchase of Hibatec, Switzerland Signature of a wordlwide partnership with Schneider Electric
Purchase of the remaining 49% of CAE Development Aps shares.
Signature of a technical and commercial partnership with Dassault Systèmes with regards to the design of electrical harnesses.
Acquisition of 19% of the French company Anyware Technologies SA, created less than two years ago and whose speciality is a software workshop to develop computer applications for the Internet. Creation of a second commercial agency in Munchengladbach (Germany).
Acquisition of several companies: - the French company INGEDATA DEVELOPPEMENT SARL, - the Dutch company TESSDATA BV, - the Danish company CAE DEVELOPMENT APS (51% of the capital), - and a further Danish company CADdy DENMARK A/S (49% of the capital) Creation of the SA SEE PL@NET, 90% held by the Company, in which the objective is to ensure the development and marketing of software programmes for use on the Internet
Acquisition of a Calculation Software from SOCOTEC Creation of a subsidiary in Germany Distribution of the first dividends
Creation of a subsidiary in the UK Launching of the new generation of the company's software packages (SEE range, Software for Electrical Engineering) comprising the programmes SEE 4000, SEE 3000 and SEE 2000 dedicated to large industries, to PME/PMI and small enterprises respectively New organisation based on a new company project ( SEE WORLDWIDE )
IGE+XAOChairman change: Mr. Alain Di Crescenzo succeeds Mr. Charles Baudron Creation of two commercial agencies, one in a suburb of London (England) and the other in Toronto (Canada)
Listing of IGE+XAO on the 'Nouveau Marché' of the Paris Bourse Creation of a sales subsidiary in Canada Creation of different sales offices in Madrid (Spain), in Tournai (Belgium) and in Rastatt (Germany) Acquisition of Schneider Electric Group and its CAO Electrical business called Handel which is at the very heart of different brands ( Handel, Hcontrol and Hdesign).
Setting-up of the IGE+XAO Holding Creation of a sales subsidiary in Gdansk (Poland) Take-over of IA Micro and its Win-Elec software. Acquisition of 34% of the shares of Vectra Informatique a distributor of computing equipment, ensuring on behalf of the group, services for hardware equipment. Acquisition of Mayridis Voyages becoming the group's internal travel agent
Opening of a sales representative office in Germany Creation of a development subsidiary in Bulgaria
Opening of a sales representative office in Spain (Barcelona) Creation of the Company "La Foliothèque", a subsidiary whose business is the electronic re-copying of existing electrical plans, using the Group's software products
Take-over of Alpage Ingénierie, designer of Alpage-Elec, the electrical CAD software on AutoDesk©'s graphic editor (AutoCad©) Opening of a sales subsidiary in Italy
Take-over of XAO Industry, a company specialising in Electrical CAD software products for work-stations and originating from one of Amine's research centres. The product designed by this company, Xelec, is a sophisticated product which has resulted in an increase in the number of customers in large industrial groups. Group's key figures : 3,600 licenses sold, sales of € 6.1 millions.
Opening of an agency in the Paris area.
Creation of a programming structure in Krakow (Poland) in co-operation with the local university.
The Regional Institute for Industrial Development (IRDI) invests in IGE S.A., acquiring 25% of the Capital.
Mr. Charles Baudron and J Marc Lalane establish the company IGE S.A. and designs "Schema" software package.