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V2R2 SP2

Release notes

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SEE Electrical 3D Panel+ SEE Electrical 3D Panel+ V2R2 SP2

New features

Search for 3D Model via Manufacturer Mapping

It is now possible to find 3D Models solely based on Manufacturer and TypeID when loading components from a project that contain a broken or empty symbol link.

Customizable Hotkeys

Fully customize how you launch your favorite commands by setting the hotkeys that are the best for your habits

Add External status in Component list

Track which components come from your connected project

File and Folder Mirroring Tool: Copy 3D Panel Library Content from one place to another

File and Folder Mirroring Tool

Copy 3D Panel Library Content from one place to another


UI Cabinet Pane:Resize Offset "Box"

Possibility to use decimal values in "drill repeat time"

Put a “Show all” button in Document designer

Save As also Saves Document Designer Project in same path

GPDR Compliance in License Manager

Support for overlapping Machining Definitions

Support for HTTPS in Webcatalogue

Bug fixed

Improvement of wire routing algorithm
Improvement of net routing for terminals with empty connection text
Difference of box and cylinder leads to crash
Duplicate extremities in net
If equipment database ( does not exist no way to get out of global settings
Csv export does not support chinese headers
Edge selection tools not working
If first mating point is occupied mating will not work
Grouped components should not become child when drag and drop on parent component
Incorrect placement of component on rail in case an aux component is attached to the component