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SEE Electrical / SEE Electrical Building / SEE Calculation

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Install the version into an empty folder! It is not possible to overwrite an existing old version!
Depending on whether SEE Electrical was already installed, or not, follow the instructions below in this chapter. There you will also find information about which parts of the SEE Electrical software must be moved to a network directory, what is the procedure when SEE Electrical data is used by several users or it is simply installed on a drive.

Harware and Operation System


  • Windows Vista
  • Simple Core 1,9GHz processor
  • Live memory (RAM) : 1GB
  • Required free disk space: 10GB


  • Windows 10 or Windows 8, 7, Vista SP2
  • Dual Core processor
  • Live memory (RAM) : 4 GB
  • Required free disk space: 10 GB
  • Graphic card: Intel / Matrox / ATI any processor with internal memory not less than 1 GB and minimum resolution 1024 x 768, strongly recommended Full HD


The machine must have a free USB 2 port for the dongle and a CD – ROM in case of installation from a CD.


If you work with Administrator and User profiles, there are two procedures for installing and licensing:

  • The software must be installed, and the dongle programmed under the Administrator’s account.

If the user logs on as “User with limited rights“, rights for full access or rights for editing the main directory and all subdirectories of SEE Electrical must be given from the Administrator.

If you use the “Safe mode” or “Backup” function, this has to be also done for the ‘$projects” and “Temp” folders in the SEE Electrical folder. (These folders are not generated during the installation installation but are automatically generated on the first execution of the “Safe mode” or “Backup” functions.).

If Windows Home version is used, it is not possible to enhance the rights for restricted users in the folders. In this case we recommend that you install the program in the User Documents folder, because here even users with restricted rights have enough rights.


  • The User profile must receive Administrator rights during the installation and programming of the dongle. The Administrator rights can be removed after installing and licensing.

However, if the user works with the “User with limited rights” property, the administrator must give full access and modification rights for the whole SEE Electrical main directory.
