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Statement regarding the total number of shares and voting rights composing the registered capital on 22 March 2021 (D-35)

In accordance with the article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with the article 223-16 of the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) General Rule. Toulouse, on 22 March 2021 Total number of shares composing the registered capital: 1,304,381 Total number of voting rights: Gross (1): 2,242,950 Net (2): 2,238,516 (1) In conformity with […]

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Agenda and draft of text of resolutions submitted to the Combined Annual General Meeting of 26 April 2021

The agenda and draft of text of resolutions submitted to the Annual Combined General Meeting of 26 April 2021 are presented hereinafter:

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Foire d'Hanovre

12-16.04.2021 Parc des Expositions d’Hanovre, Allemagne Toutes les technologies et secteur clés de l’industrie – de la recherche et développement à l’automatisation industrielle, en passant par les technologies de l’information, la fourniture industrielle, les technologies de production et les services, aux technologies de l’énergie et de la mobilité – peuvent être trouvés à Hanovre. Profitez […]

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Statement regarding the total number of shares and voting rights composing the registered capital on 28 February 2021

In accordance with the article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with the article 223-16 of the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) General Rule. Toulouse, on 5 March 2021 Total number of shares composing the registered capital: 1,304,381 Total number of voting rights: Gross (1): 2,242,950 Net (2): 2,238,516 (1) In conformity with […]

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