This website consolidates products from SEE, Caneco, and ETAP.
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Home › industries › Construction

IGE + XAO advanced solutions meet the expectations of every company, in new builds or brown field sites, regardless of the size or complexity of the building. Discover our solutions according to your needs or the typology of your building.

Innovation in the construction industry

• smart buildings,
• growth in number of connected devices (datacom),
• adherence to standards.

The competitive advantages IGE + XAO

• automatic generation of plans,
• an “all-in-one” product,
• easy-to-use integrated computing solutions,
• interoperability.

IGE+XAO receives funding from ERDF in order to develop a collaborative web platform in the Building industry.

6 domaines - System
System Design
6 domaines - Electrical design
Electrical Design & Engineering
6 domaines - Data
Data and Project Management
6 domaines - Communication
Ecosystem Integration
6 domaines - Simulation
Simulation & Diagnostic
6 domaines - Electrical manufacturing
Electrical Manufacturing

IGE+XAO software packages manage overall designs as well as detailed designs such as principle diagrams and cable plans.

Electrical Design software packages from IGE+XAO provide powerful functions dedicated to electrical engineering.

IGE+XAO offers a range of software packages for managing electrical projects.

In order to integrate seamlessly with customers information systems, IGE+XAO offer a full range of interfaces.

IGE+XAO sells a complete range of software from its subsidiary Prosyst

A comprehensive range for the manufacturing of electrical equipment