This website consolidates products from SEE, Caneco, and ETAP.
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"Environment Manager" module

Companies using multiple licences of SEE Electrical have a challenge to keep all installations up to date, especially if users take their laptops on-site. The «Environment Manager» module allows the administrator to prepare updated files on the server. As soon as a user returns to the company, connects to the network and starts SEE Electrical, […]

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Results of the votes of the Combined Annual General Meeting held on 17 April 2020

The results of the votes of the Combined Annual General Meeting held on 17 April 2020 are as follows.

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Statement regarding the total number of shares and voting rights composing the registered capital on 30 April 2020

In accordance with the article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with the article 223-16 of the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) General Rule. Toulouse, on 7 May 2020 Total number of shares composing the registered capital: 1,304,381 Total number of voting rights: Gross (1): 2,242,940 Net (2): 2,238,506 (1) In conformity with […]

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Intelligent Drawing Legacy Module

This module is a very useful tool for maintenance services as well as any department managing paper or DXF/DWG plans. The module offers three levels of functionalities: Basic : Processing of scanned data Multiple scanned pictures can be automatically loaded into different pages. When new symbols are placed in the drawing, existing symbols are automatically covered […]

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